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2017 National Survey of Student Engagement

Presentation MS PowerPoint File
A Power Point presentation including: an overview of the concept of “student engagement;” the research design; NC State comparison groups; response rates; summary and detailed results for Engagement Indicators and High Impact Practices with comparisons to our Carnegie comparison group; suggestions and examples for using NSSE results; and where to go for more information.

Pocket Guide to Choosing a College: NSSE 2017 Answers from NC State Students PDF Document
Results from NSSE can provide prospective students with insights into how they might learn and develop at a given college. To help in the college exploration process, NSSE developed A Pocket Guide to Choosing a College to give students and their families key questions to ask during campus visits.


(All results are presented separately for first-year students and seniors)  

  • NC State Snapshot Report PDF Document
    A summary of results with comparisons to our Carnegie classification
    peer group, including Engagement Indicators; High-Impact Practices;
    and highest and lowest rated individual items.  Also includes information
    on survey administration.
  • Engagement Indicators PDF Document
    (Academic Challenge, Learning with Peers, Experience with Faculty,
    Supportive Campus Environment)

    NC State responses versus each of our three comparison groups, including: average ratings for overall themes and sub-themes;
    sub-theme score distributions; and detailed statistics for all sub-themes.
  • High-Impact Practices PDF Document
    NC State responses verses each of our three comparison groups;
    NC State responses by student demographic characteristics.
  • Frequencies and Statistical Comparisons PDF Document
    NC State responses to all survey items verses those from each of
    our three comparison groups [counts; percents; averages with
    statistical comparisons, standard error, effect sizes, etc.]
  • Trends PDF Document
    A comparison of NC State results for Engagement Indicators, High-Impact practices,and key academic challenge items from the 2014 and 2017 surveys. [counts; percents; averages with statistical comparisons, standard error, effect sizes, etc.]
  • Topical Module: Global LearningPDF Document
    This optional module assesses student experiences and coursework that emphasizes global affairs, world cultures, nationalities, religions, and other international topics.
    NC State responses to all survey items verses those from a comparison group of other similar institutions participating in the module [counts; percents; averages with
    statistical comparisons, standard error, effect sizes, etc.]
  • Topical Module: Civic EngagementPDF Document
    This optional module asks students to assess their conflict resolution skills and examines how often students have engaged with local or campus and state/national/global issues.
    NC State responses to all survey items verses those from a comparison group of other similar institutions participating in the module [counts; percents; averages with
    statistical comparisons, standard error, effect sizes, etc.]
  • Open-End Comments: Most satisfying and most disappointing experiences at NC State PDF Document
    Respondents were asked to comment in their own words about what had been the most satisfying and most disappointing experiences of their undergraduate experience at NC State thus far.  Response were coded into 24 different themes.  This report summarizes the themes raised in the responses, broken out separately for first-year students and seniors, and provides examples of verbatim comments.

Supporting Documents