National Survey of Student Engagement: Spring 2014
(A Power Point presentation including: an overview of the concept of “student engagement;” the research design; NC State comparison groups; response rates; summary and detailed results for Engagement Indicators and High Impact Practices with comparisons to our Carnegie comparison group; suggestions and examples for using NSSE results; and where to go for more information.)
(All results are presented separately for first-year students and seniors)
- NC State Snapshot Report
(Summary of results with comparisons to our Carnegie classification
peer group, including Engagement Indicators; High-Impact Practices;
and highest and lowest rated individual items. Also includes information
on survey administration.) - Engagement Indicators
Academic Challenge, Learning with Peers, Experience with Faculty,
Supportive Campus Environment
(NC State responses versus each of our three comparison groups, including: average ratings for overall themes and sub-themes;
sub-theme score distributions; and detailed statistics for all sub-themes.) - High-Impact Practices
(NC State responses verses each of our three comparison groups;
NC State responses by student demographic characteristics.) - Frequencies and Statistical Comparisons
(NC State responses to all survey items verses those from each of
our three comparison groups [counts; percents; averages with
statistical comparisons, standarard error, effect sizes, etc.])
Supporting Documents
- NSSE Overview
(About NSSE; survey methods; participating institutions; overall response
rates) - NC State NSSE Comparison Groups
(List of institutions included in each of NC State’s three comparison groups) - Profile of Respondents
(Demographics of NC State and comparison groups’ respondents) - Survey Instrument