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Student/Alumni Surveys

The Institutional Strategy and Analysis office is responsible for administering a series of surveys to our students and alumni. Academic and support offices across campus use the survey results to improve student well-being and engagement and to assess and improve on their programs. See below for a list of surveys and links to detailed information about them and reports on results from over the years.

  • Sophomore Survey
    A triennial survey (e.g., Spring 2019, Spring 2022) administered to NC State sophomores

  • Graduating Senior Survey
    A triennial survey (e.g., AY15-16, AY18-19) administered to NC State seniors scheduled to graduate during the current academic year

  • Future Plans Survey
    Surveys administered in the weeks immediately before and after commencement in December and May to all undergraduate and graduate students scheduled to graduate that semester; also includes a follow-up Survey of Recent Graduates administered each September

  • Alumni Survey
    A triennial survey (e.g., Spring 2018, Spring 2021) administered to those receiving a baccalaureate degree 2.5 to 5.5 years prior to the survey administration (e.g., Summer 2012 – Spring 2015, Summer 2015 – Spring 2018)

  • Academic Program Insert Surveys
    College/department/program-specific surveys administered by ISA on behalf of those programs requesting one, to NC State seniors scheduled to graduate during the current academic year, and also as part of the Alumni Survey

  • Campus Climate Survey
    Administered about every five years (e.g., AY14-15, AY19-20) to all undergraduate and graduate students

  • University Police Department Satisfaction Survey
    A biennial (previously triennial) survey (e.g., AY20-21, AY22-23) administered to a random sample of NC State students, faculty and staff to assess the University Police Department’s services and perceptions of campus safety